Wednesday, February 27, 2013

first attempt at a sheep

I wanted to try a farm themed blanket, but couldn't find any farm animal appliqué patterns, so I created my own for a sheep using a bigger fuzzy white yarn and plain ol' red heart supersaver black for the legs and face.... here is the result of it on the block I created for it!
The kindest comment I got was it looked like someone stuck a cotton ball on a spider... so back to the drawing board I go!

Monday, February 25, 2013

First free pattern

This is a pattern to make this Beach / Market bag.

 I created this bag when the pattern my Aunt had asked me to use wasn't working quite right. So I made up my own!  She loves it!  Here is a pic she sent me:
This is my first attempt at writing a pattern, so please bear with me!
J hook (it really doesn't matter too much, I crochet tightly and wanted a more open bag, smaller hook = smaller openings)
1 skein worsted weight color of choice (I used Red Heart above)
measuring tape
yarn needle
Chain a length of about 25" add 3 chains after this length.
round 1:  Dc in 6th ch from hook. *ch 3, skip 3 ch, dc* repeat across making sure you end in the last ch space (may need to elongate/shorten a skipped space to make this work). Working along opposite side of beg ch *ch 3, skip 3 ch, dc*  repeat across until you reach the last 2-3 ch spaces. Ch 3
Round 2: Dc in first space made by the first 6 skipped chains.  *ch 3, dc in 3 ch space* around, ch 3.
Round 3-?: Dc in the next ch 3 space,   *ch 3, dc in 3 ch space*  repeat in rounds until the length is approx. 13 inches. do not fasten off
next round: Ch 3,  * 2 dc in next ch-3 loop; repeat from * around; join with a slip st to top of first dc.
Last Rnd: Ch 1, hdc in same space; hdc in next dc and in each dc around; join to top of first hdc. Fasten off and weave in ends.
Strap (Make 2): Make a chain 18" long.
Rnd 1 (Right Side): 2 Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch to last ch; 3 sc in last ch; working along opposite side of beg ch, sc in each ch to last ch; sc in same ch as first 2 sc; join with a sl st in first sc.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, hdc in same space, hdc in each sc around and work 2 hdc in each of the 3 sc at each end; join in top of first hdc.
Rnd 3: Slip st in each hdc around. Fasten off and weave in ends.
Sew approximately 1" of strap ends firmly to right side of bag 4" in from side edges as shown. Weave in ends.
I hope to make another bag like this soon, when I do, I will take pictures to add to this pattern!
If you don't crochet, I also sell this bag in my etsy store :

First one, opening day!

This is the first post of what I hope will be many.  Lets start with the basics about me.

Alex's self portrait caught big brother AJ in background!
I am first and foremost a mother and wife.  My two little boys are 2 & 3 right now.  They make life interesting to say the least! 
My husband and I have been married for over 4 years (Dec 30, 2008).  There is also a very special pug in our life, Axel, who is now 5 years old.  He is great with the boys and loves to just laze around! 

Watching a movie in bed...

I am a newer LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse). I passed my boards on 11 July 2012 and got my first job in August which I started in September.  I work about 8 days a month, every Friday and every other Sat and Sun.  This leaves plenty of time for my family and cuts back on daycare/babysitting costs. So I am not quite a stay at home mom, but I come close!  Having 2 toddlers to talk to all day can drive me crazy, so I am hoping to make some friends out here in cyber space to help with this! 

I have been crocheting for years, my Grandmothers both contributed to my education on it (one taught me the basics, the other to read patterns).  I appreciate them both for this!

I this past summer I started to crochet a TON, it gave me something to do between Graduation from nursing school, passing boards and obtaining a real job as a nurse!  My friend, Lindsey, kept telling me I needed to sell my creations to fund my crafting.  At work one day while working on yet another silly hat for my boys, one of the ladies I work with wanted to know how much I charge! Word of mouth sold another 5 more at work in 4 weeks!  I was really excited and gave me the confidence to open my etsy store!

I love to crochet and to use my crockpot! So look out! I hope to add to the world of free patterns and recipes!

I have been inspired by pinterest and other bloggers out there. I want to give this blogging a try again.  I attempted it several times in middle and high school time frames, but never lasted that long.  Hopefully this one lasts longer!

Some of my favorite blogs would have to be, the lovely crow @ www.lovelycrow.comLittle Bit Funky @ , the krazy coupon lady @ , and Collin @  and I will have to list the others later as a come across them again!

Again, this will be a place for me to document my fun days, my new creations, life's teachings and much more.

Thanks for making it through my first post!
